NorthBay at Lake Arrowhead features outdoor adventures nearby hiking trails.​Enjoy the following amenities with guests when you visit Lake Arrowhead. If there is something you don't see listed that you'd like pre-arranged for your stay, give us a call and we'd be happy to accommodate your request in advance of your arrival.
Wifi in all areas
Smoke-free property
In-suite Laundry
Private balconies and patios
Book a Room
Ready to schedule a vacation to Lake Arrowhead, CA?
Click the button below to book a room with us, today!
In Suite Fireplaces
Each guest suite includes a cozy fireplace in the living room area. Speak with the front desk staff on-site if you have any questions about operating your fireplace safely.
Private Balcony/Patio
Every guest suite includes a private balcony or patio with a forest view. If you have a preference for one or the other, please call 866.875.9922 to make your reservation and mention your preferred choice.